Learn More About Solar With Prospero Energy

Where to Install Solar on My Roof
Solar panels are a great way to generate clean, renewable energy and reduce your monthly electricity bill. But where you place your panels on your

Net Metering on the West Coast
Net metering programs allow solar panel owners to receive credit for excess electricity generated by their systems and sent back to the grid. The best

Why Solar Energy Makes Sense for Dallas Residents
Dallas, Texas is known for its sunny weather, making it an ideal place for solar energy. In this blog post, we will explain why switching

Solar Energy: The Smart Choice for Los Angeles Residents
Los Angeles, California is known for its sunny skies and warm temperatures, making it an ideal location for harnessing solar energy. In recent years, solar
Are Solar Panels a Good Investment?
Solar panels can be a great investment for homeowners, but whether or not they are worth it depends on a number of factors, including the

How to Slow Climate Change
Science has shown us that climate change and global warming are happening. The planet is rapidly warming up and consequences have followed. However, there are