Solar energy can help reduce greenhouse gas emission
Solar energy can help reduce greenhouse gas emission
Prospero Energy Solar Logo with a sunset over the mountains

Greenhouse Gases: What’s the Facts?

We are all accustomed to hearing about climate change, global warming, greenhouse gasses, among other hotly debated topics. Each of these things have to do with the environment and its changes. First, let’s take a look into defining some of these terms.

Keep the earth pretty and switch to solar energy

Climate change is “a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s local, regional and global climates. These changes have a broad range of observed effects that are synonymous with the term (NASA).” Overall, climate change is the change of overall weather patterns in a certain region. Now, what is the connection between climate change and global warming? Global warming is the overall rise of temperature of the earth and its oceans/waterways. Therefore, global warming is climate change and more specifically the change of climate towards hotter temperatures and more sporadic weather.

fossil fuels used for electricity and industrial manufacturing

Now, what is a greenhouse gas? A greenhouse gas is simply a gas that adds to the trapping of heat in the earth’s atmosphere. Thus, the emission of these gasses have been found to add to the change in the earth’s climate. Some of these elements include carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. Carbon dioxide is released when we burn fossil fuels such as coal and oil. However, this type of gas can also be absorbed by plants! Methane is also emitted when we produce things like coal and oil. It can also be released by certain agricultural uses. 

There are several sources of greenhouse gasses, but we will cover the main factors.

  1. Transportation
  2. Production of Electricity
  3. Industrial Fuel Burning
  4. Household Fuel Consumption

Research shows that approximately 29% of greenhouse gas emissions come from private and public transportation. It isn’t anything new that studies prove that our vehicles and transportation methods are consuming vast amounts of natural resources. There has been a big push towards more eco-friendly vehicles that run on renewable resources.


There are a variety of ways that we generate and consume electricity. These sources include coal, natural gas, petroleum, and other resources. It is said that about 60% of the electricity we use comes from fossil fuels. 


It is also no secret that the production of goods and services use a lot of energy. Much of this energy is also derived from fossil fuels such as natural gas and oil. This contributes about 24% of the total greenhouse gas emissions throughout the world.

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Prospero Energy

Prospero Energy

Making the decision to switch to solar can be a tough one. We are here to walk you through the steps of making the change to solar energy. At Prospero, we strive to educate you about solar energy and financing options for solar.
A Prospero Solar Consultant
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The first thing to do when considering the switch to solar is to do some of your own research of why solar makes sense for you. Some households in different areas may benefit more from solar panels than others. There are great resources to help you understand the solar benefits in your area. The Solar Energy Technologies Office has some great insights about the process of going solar. 


A few things to remember when considering solar are:

  • What’s your motive for the change?
  • How much money would you save per month with solar?
  • What financing options are there for solar?
  • How large would the down payment be? 
  • What kind of system would be preferable? 
Solar Panels are worth the investment
A solar consultant helping a customer make a solar purchase

Our team at Prospero Energy cares about each of our clients. We will aid you in your search of solar companies. A team of marketing experts compares the best prices in your area and presents them to you. In order to get the best prices on solar energy, Prospero Energy should be your first thought!


Our solar experts are professionally trained and committed to help you make the best decision for you and your family. Not all solar companies are the same and our customer service sets us apart from the rest. 


We care for you and strive to help you find the best solar deals.

Financing and Installation

There are many companies that claim to give the best solar financing opportunities and they may have some great options! We believe that our financial technologies enables us to give you the best financing available for solar energy systems. Our representatives will help you decide the best route that fit your specific needs. When it comes to financing, we partner with some of the biggest names in the solar industry. Companies such as Sun Run and Freedom Forever work with us to ensure your successful and satisfying solar panel install.

On Key

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Renewable energy offers tax incentives
Prospero Energy Solar Logo with a sunset over the mountains

What are the Tax Benefits of Going Solar?

So, you’ve maybe heard that going solar could help provide some tax relief or offer incentives that could be enticing to American tax payers. It can be fairly confusing to understand whether or not solar installation is a liable investment. We admit that it may not be worth it for everyone, but it sure helps to identify the pros and cons of both sides. In this article we further discuss the possible savings on taxes as a result of going solar. 

First, let’s understand what a tax credit is…

A Tax Credit is basically a dollar amount reduction in the taxes you owe. For example, if you owe the IRS $500 in taxes then a tax credit of $300 would decrease your owed taxes to $200. The Federal Solar Tax Credit is a credit that can be claimed on federal taxes for a percentage of the cost of a photovoltaic system paid by the certain tax payer. The installation of the system must be completed in the corresponding tax year. 

From now until 2032, Congress has approved a 30% tax credit for solar power systems installed. There is no limit for what can be claimed on these systems. This can definitely be an enticing option to consider when thinking about installing solar at your residence or business. 

Renewable energy offers tax incentives
There are many benefits of going solar.

Eligibility For Solar Federal Tax Credit

Expenses include solar panels and individual solar cells, contractor labor costs, system balancing equipment, sales tax, and energy storage devices

Solar Installation does introduce some attractive tax credits and savings that should be considered.

On Key

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